A Year in the Fulbright Life: Afnan’s Story

5 min readOct 14, 2022


For the next year, Fulbright MENA will be showcasing a handful of students as they study in the United States with their new series, A Year in the Fulbright Life. Each month, spotlighted students will share an update as they continue on their Fulbright journey.

August 2022

These are my first American friends in the United States. I was really happy to have American friends from a different state.

Finally a dream came true. This is my first picture at my school and I was actually so proud to be a part of it.

This was the welcome day at school and our first year class picture. I felt that I belong to this school and to the people I was next to.

Getting to know people from different cultures and backgrounds was the highlight of that day.

I have been blessed to get to know another Fulbrighter who’s going to the same school. We had so much fun on the Wolverine Welcome day at school.

September 2022

I went ice skating for the first time recently! It was super difficult, yet intriguing.

I went with my Indian friends to see the cardboard race between students at the university.

I was so fascinated that I could see Canada so close to my city. It was very mesmerizing.

I was part of a Hula-Hoop competition which I lost from the beginning, but I kept up a happy face. I however won a dancing competiton which was so cool.

October 2022

I always wanted to go to an American homecoming dance and experience it with my friends. Now, I can say that I did it and it was one of the greatest nights with everyone was dancing and having so much fun.


I was delighted to find that I have other Fulbrighters (from Pakistan and Australia) in my university. Each one of us shared our experience in the U.S so far. We also got to know a lot about each other’s cultures.


This was my first road trip in the United States. My Indian and Pakistani friends and I went up north to see the fall trees and it was a very exciting experience.It was my first time seeing fall trees and seeing all the colors. I was so happy and fascinated by them.

Roadtrip and fall leaves

On Halloween, I had the pleasure to meet the Mayor of Dearborn and take a picture with him. He was such a humble and kind person. One of my dreams I’ve had since I was very young was to participate in Halloween and wear a scary costume. So, this picture is my highlight of the month!

November 2022

In November, the University of Michigan Dearborn was honored to host the Fulbright Association Reception! All the Fulbrighters in Michigan and Northern Ohio gathering in one place was very exciting. I was able to meet current Fulbrighters and alumni from different regions and backgrounds. It was a pleasure to connect with other Fulbrighters and share our experiences in the United States.

It was an exciting moment attending the tree lighting event in Detroit, one of the biggest events in Detroit with thousands of people and public figures in attendance. I enjoyed the day with my Brazilian and Argentinian friends.

Another important event in Detroit was the Thanksgiving Parade. This was one of the most intriguing things I’ve seen in the United States so far, but I had a great time!

While the rest of my month was great, the highlight of the month was seeing the Backstreet Boys! Watching them live was a dream come true. I spent my childhood listening to them in my bedroom, and now I got the chance to see them in person! I was so grateful for that moment.

Tree Lightning!

Afnan is a 2022 Fulbrighter from Egypt. She studies Program Evaluation and Assessment at the University of Michigan - Dearborn.

Follow updates from Afnan and other Fulbright students on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Check back here every month for more updates on the blog and Medium Series to see what Afnan does this year!

